Holocaust Survivors and Remembrance Project:
"Forget You Not"™

preserving the past to protect the future ...
Steve Paulsson




Searches as form of harassment for Polish Jews
Polish Jews being searched as a form of harassment.
Photo Credit: <vilnaghetto.com/gallery/album11/Pol_Jews>

SS Humiliation of a Jew in Poland
SS Humiliation of a Jew in Poland well before the ghettoization.
Photo Credit: KLUVIK ARCHIVES, <vilnaghetto.com/gallery/album11/sw_2_28_06_025>

Jews fleeing Poland
Polish Jews fleeing Poland for no apparent reason and without a "concrete threat"
Photo Credit: <vilnaghetto.com/gallery/album11/Polish_Holocaust_Fleeing_Jews>
Fear not your enemies, for they can only kill you.
Fear not your friends, for they can only betray you.
Fear only the indifferent, who permit the killers and betrayers to walk safely on the earth.

Yiddish poet and Polish Holocaust survivor Edward Yashinsky

© The Guardian

Editor's Addendum:

The Killing After the Killing

After the Holocaust ended in 1945, Poland's surviving Jews still faced hatred from their fellow citizens.
Poles may not have been worse than the Nazis, but for sure they were not too far behind.


Steve Paulsson
Special Selected Links:

Poland, One Year After the Holocaust Ended, Being Involved
In the Worst Peacetime Pogrom in 20th-century Europe

Burial of Jews in Kielce, Poland

Jews being buried in Kielce, Poland, in 1946 --one year after the Nazi Holocaust ended, as a result of the Kielce massacre committed by ordinary Polish citizens against their own neighbouring Jews that were able to survive the Holocaust.
To squash these revelations, the 2008 Public Prosecutor of Krakow, Poland announced that it will prosecute anyone under a 2006 law prohibiting anyone from asserting that "the Polish nation" was involved in crimes or atrocities committed by Nazis or communists.
Yes, facing the truth is not easy for a nation where the Anti-semitism appeared to be part of its fabric. The Polish poet Czeslaw Milosz once said that Poland's Communist rulers fulfilled the dream of Polish nationalists by creating an ethnically pure state. That was in the end Hitler's ultimate dream --that of creating an ethnically "pure" Europe.

From: Poland to Prosecute Historian?

Poland by Michlic
and the book review
The Power of Hate
by Dr. Laurence Weinbaum

One survivor cited by Michlic noted:
"For years the Poles have been dreaming of getting rid of the Jews and now at last Hitler does it for them....
At bottom they are delighted, however horrified by the inhuman cruelty. The Krauts devouring the Kikes: what could be sweeter?"

From Krakow Church of Poland:
"The Kikes Will Not Continue to Spit on Us."
February 2008

Steve Paulsson
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Steve Paulsson